Anatomy of a Effective Podcast Page

Are you a podcaster who’s looking for ways to showcase your different podcast episodes? 

Do you wonder what elements does a good podcast page have?

Do you feel bothered that your podcasts are crammed up in one place and they don’t look pretty at all?

If you are nodding along, then this is the right place to be, my friend! I am gonna discuss all the ways in which you can present your podcast in a visually appealing way.

Having a nice organized podcast page makes it so easy for your listener to find what they want. This is one of the things you do for them and not for yourself. You do this to create a good user experience.

And podcasts attract a lot of users, so be mindful of that. To an extent that in the USA, people in 50% of homes are die-hard podcast fans.

Are you ready to find out about

The must-have sections on a Podcast Page?? 

Let’s Begin

1) Podcast Player On Top

This helps your users listen to podcasts with 1 easy click.

They don’t have to go anywhere or pass hoops to be able to get to your podcast, they press that player and they can listen to your latest episode. Easy peasy. 

It should be on top so they can scroll through your website while listening to the latest episode.


2) Banner

The banner should have the name of your Podcast. It should look attractive. Do not forget to mention your name underneath.

TIP: add a photo of you in this banner to create an instant connection with the visitor.


3) Link to podcast sites

When you provide a link to the different podcast websites your podcast can be heard on, you open a whole new world for your listeners. This also helps in building the trust factor, that your podcast can be heard on several well-known podcasting sites.

It is strategic, as you are asking them to subscribe to your podcast on their site of choice at the same time. ( Double WIN 🎉🎉)

4) Search Bar

It’ll help your website visitors “
search”. They can just feed the keywords and get directed to their desired podcasts.

In the absence of a search bar, it is pretty difficult to search for that one specific podcast.

No matter how planned-out your podcast page is, NO ONE prefers scrolling through JUST to search for that one podcast...

Convenience is the key. And as a host, it’s your job to make it easy for them to find what they need.


5) Thumbnails

Thumbnails are important to make the page look attractive.

Thumbnails are a part of your STRATEGY. Let them scream the topic of your podcast! It acts like a mini-billboard and you feel like an influencer to see yourself on it, you can feature your guests also on these thumbnails, they make them feel special as well and adds to the visual appeal of your page.


6) Episode Description-

To the point description of what the podcast is about. Make it convincing, so that listeners don’t wanna miss out!

Use a few important descriptive keywords that carry the podcast’s gist in a nutshell.


7) Direct podcast embed

When you embed a podcast you’re making it so easy for them to listen to, they do not need to click anywhere to listen to it, they can just click and play button 


8) Link to show notes

Give them additional pieces of information in your show notes.

Provide links to related resources that they can head on to in case they wanna know more.

You can also put a brief of your podcast on the show notes page.

I’ll tell you how this works. If in your podcast you’re referring to a particular freebie, for instance, link to the opt-in page in the show notes, so that they can easily grab it. They do not have to go hunting and pecking on your website.

Shownotes also help a lot in SEO, as you have a brief of your podcast in your show notes.

I have a free guide on how to write effective show notes that you can grab here.


9) Footer

A “foot”er marks the end of your page. It frames the page nicely.
It must have links to your terms and conditions and social media icons.

If you do not have terms and conditions for your website, you can grab the terms and conditions and policy pack here.

If you are a podcaster you should also have a Podcast Guest Release agreement. Check one I recommend here.

The last but the MOST CRUCIAL part of a podcast page is a...

 10) List building form

The money is in the LIST.

You absolutely want to add a list-building opportunity on your main podcast page to get the listeners to opt into your list.

If they are on your list then you can reach out to them every time a new episode drops.

You should also nurture that list with weekly emails, that way they become loyal and raving fans. 

Here you have it, I have listed out all the important elements you should have on your podcast page.

Are you secretly wishing there was a template you could use?

Your wish is fulfilled.

If you use Kajabi then the answer to this is a PODCAST HUB PAGE! These allow you to arrange all your podcasts in a stylish grid format, ensuring one can’t miss ANY!

It incorporates all the sections I mentioned above in a visually appealing way.

Or should I say that it makes the layout so appealing that you wouldn’t wanna miss out on something so beautiful!!

Podcast Hubpage will help your users to browse through, EFFORTLESSLY! They can check out all podcast titles and choose which one they want to listen to!

I know recording podcasts is the main task, but designing your page, making sure they’re presentable to look at, and appeal to your listeners is also equally crucial. You can’t let that go...

I have made a custom solution for you.

As part of the Podcast Hubpage, you’ll get-

  1. Grid style podcast hub page in Kajabi
  2. Podcast player on top of the page
  3. Graphic Canva templates by a professional designer
  4. Recorded video to take you through the set-up step-by-step

Believe me, an organized page ONLY for podcasts leaves such a positive impact on your listeners. It shows them you care and that you’re willing to do all it takes to enhance your influence.

With such cut-throat competition, learn to pick up even the smallest of tips and tricks, you never know what clicks!

So what are you waiting for? Come check it out!

It’s everything you’ve been wanting!! 


Click here to get more information! →


Have you got your podcast covered legally?

As an Entrepreneur, it is important to take care of the "legal stuff." 

Without the right legal agreements in place, you might have a guest complain after you do the interview and say you can't release the episode.

Or you might find that you can't use the interview in other parts of your marketing (e.g., as part of a freebie) because you didn't get the right kind of consent. 

The good news is that you can avoid the pain with just a little bit of preventive action. 

Buy a Podcast Release Template here just for 97 USD

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