Free Guide:

How to Plan a High Converting Sales Page that is GUARANTEED to Blow Your Next Launch Out of the Water!"

Grab this FREE guide andĀ discover:

  • The 3 essential steps to crafting a high-converting sales page
  • The secrets to persuading your audience to take action
  • How to avoid the common mistakes that entrepreneurs make when planning their sales pages

Hi, my name is Sneha (SNAY-HA).

I am your go-to designer for Strategically Designed sales pages.

I help ambitious course creators with designs that position them as the go-to expert in their industry.

Through working with hundreds of clients, I’ve gained a deep understanding of the course launch strategies that work (and the secret to why many sales pages fall flat.)

In short: I know exactly what your sales page needs to convert interested visitors into loyal customers.

In this guide, I’ll share with you the three big-picture steps I take with my clients when designing their high-conversion sales pages. These three proven steps have helped countless clients elevate their sales page and drive customers to their courses.