live launch

What is Live Launching? and How to ace it?

You have an online course and you are doing your research for different launch models.

Maybe you have had bad experiences with the previous launch model you chose and want to do something new this time.

There’s no one size that fits all for launching models.

But definitely, you need to consider 2 things before deciding on the launch model for your business.

- What can you do really well?

-Which launch model will bring out the best in you? 

LIVE LAUNCHING has gained the popularity it has for a reason.

It works that is why Amy Porterfield, Marie Forleo, Brandon Burchard, and Stu Mclaren...all follow this method for their Signature programmes.

Let me quickly take you through WHAT live launching actually is.

In this kind of launch, you allow your clients/prospects to buy your course only during a certain period. That certain period could occur once a year, twice a year, or quarterly, as per your need.

Such time-sensitive launching gives phenomenal results. It works coz people have to decide whether they want to join or not, they can’t delay the decision for long.  

The enrollment is not open through the year, so if they don’t join they will have to wait till the enrollment opens again in the future date. ( sometimes some courses open only 1 a year)

So now let’s discuss how to do an effective live launch.

In the live launch model, there are three phases and we will discuss all three in this blog here.


During this time, you should build a new audience and start showing up more regularly in front of your existing audience so they are paying attention to what we are doing.

Now that you know WHAT a pre-launch is, let’s discuss how you can effectively pre-launch. 

You can choose your pre-launch period to be somewhere between 2 to 4 weeks.( This is based on how much bandwidth you have)

Gearing Up With Pre-Launch Activities

Pre-launch is when you are seen everywhere.

You do the following...

  • Start sharing your freebies more often.
  • Get regular on social media. (More live videos and posts)
  • Emailing more frequently to your existing email list and send them content related to your course topic.

After the pre-launch, you move into Launch 

Here are the crucial components of a live launch model that you never wanna miss. 


After the pre-launch period, you head into launch mode by offering free training which can be a Webinar,  3/5 DAY CHALLENGES, 3- part video series.

Free training allows them to have a taste of what it's going to be like to be a part of your course. It also shows them your style of teaching and they can decide if they want you to be their mentor.


You combine your free training with the power of well-written emails to make your launch a success.

Emails work as a selling tool. People are used to being sold on emails.

Research has shown that emails contribute approximately 22% to lead generation. and it is quite a big deal. 

If you are looking for some help in drafting your launch emails, then you can look at these templates here.

Live launching is my preference, almost always. It is a lot of hard work, but also it is a good cash injection for your business.

Know that your online course is special and valuable. You’ve done so much to make it perfect, now you are at the last leg of this journey to getting it launched.


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