Review of try interact quiz builder

TryInteract Review- An Amazing Platform Where Quiz Building Is Fun!

Let’s Take A Peek Into TryInteract Review: Is It the Best Quiz Building Platform?

Quizzes are the magical magnet that can help you bring leads into your business.

Lead Generation is the cornerstone of any marketing campaign.

Despite digital marketing being a hustler’s paradise where there is a constant influx of new strategies and innovative ideas on ways to market your offerings. Email marketing stands the test of time and is the most widely used tool to build your business.

It is estimated that Email marketing generates a whopping 3,800 per cent ROI.  However, growing an email list may not be that easy.

A PDF given as a gift, or a box that said join my newsletter on your website used to work well in the past but it does not do as well anymore.

What works today is a QUIZ.

The average quiz has a 33% higher conversion rate than the common PDF download. 

Quizzes are fun and interactive which makes it a great way to build that list, they help you connect with your audience in a way that nothing else can.

You can add value, engage and entertain all at once via a quiz.

According to the statistics by BuzzSumo 82% of users engaged with quizzes when they came across them.

Quizzes are not only great LIST BUILDERS but they also help us better understand who is on our list. By having a better understanding of who these people are we can design specific products, services, and marketing funnels based on what they need and want.

Quizzes can help us gain insight into the following...

  • What their personality types are
  • What personal preferences do they have
  • Their likes and dislikes
  • Challenges they are facing
  • Problems they need solving (by you!)
  • And much more…

So, you are sold on the idea of doing a Quiz as a list-builder but worried that...

  • how much work that might be...
  • you wonder if you need a coder or an additional plugin...
  • are super stressed if that will be a BIG EXPENSE!

What if I told you it is none of that?

TryInteract is the only thing you need to build that quiz.

Whether you are trying to gather data for a survey or a marketer aiming to generate leads for your business. Tryinteract can help.


Why TryInteract is a great tool for quiz building?


1 ) It is easy to use:

They make it super easy to launch a new quiz. You don’t need to be a tech guru to make it work they’ve done all the hard work for you. There are over 100 Quiz Building Templates ready for you to use.

Even the questions within the templates are 100% “DONE-FOR-YOU” –simply choose your quiz and you can change your questions and answers or keep the template questions and answers.


2) It lets you Personalize:

Research shows that 72% of consumers are frustrated with generic marketing and they don't interact with pages that don't look great. 

With TryInteract you can make them look beautiful, engaging, and on-brand. It has over eight hundred templates you could select from. 

From the cover image to the questions, anything can be changed to suit your business needs. 

It even allows you to change the colors of the background, the font, button color and so on.

Such customized quizzes help you get the wheels turning on a topic that is most relevant in the lives of your customers and that can help turn their attention towards your business.


3) Multiple Quiz Types

This feature is among my favorites because not every business needs the same type of quiz. Interact offers three types of quizzes:  

a) Personality quiz:

This helps each user work out a personality type that applies to them individually.

b) Scored quiz:

It has a score for each correct answer and the results are compared with a score range. 

c) Assessment quiz:

is a multiple-choice quiz, and the results of the quiz are based on the number of correct answers.

You can experiment with them and figure out which one works best for your business and audience.


4) Great for Collecting Leads:

This is the whole point of creating a quiz… list-building.

All of your efforts would be in vain if you couldn’t collect that email address at the end.

Interact lets you grab their email address at the end so you can send them the results via email...(

This is a win-win).

You can send the lead who took the quiz over to your email marketing software.

Interact has native integration with major email marketing software such as ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, MailChimp, Drip, and Keap.

If your email provider is not listed then you can use Zapier, Zapier is that connecting tool you can use to connect Try interact with your email platform.

If you are using Kajabi then you need Zapier to get the data collected from Tryinteract with Kajabi.

You also need advanced automation in Kajabi to be able to segment your data into different buckets based on the results.


5 ) Autoresponders: 

Nurturing your list is made easy with the autoresponder option. With each quiz, Tryinteract provides templates that could be copied into your mail system. You just need to provide a bonus that is associated with the quiz.


6 ) Easy to share on various channels: 

Once you have created your quiz you need to share it far and wide.

TryInteract makes it easy by allowing you to share it in several ways as mentioned below.

  • Add it as a pop up on your website
  • Add it as an announcement bar on your website
  • Set up a Facebook Ad for your quiz
  • Embed it on a landing page or website
  • Get a direct link to the quiz and send it by email

When you click on the tab ‘share and embed’, the tab opens up six options to promote your quiz. You can choose the ones that work best for your brand.

You do not have to be an expert to install them on your website or on your landing pages. Simply copying the code snippet into the ‘text’ or ‘HTML’ of your website will do the trick.

I have used 3 of their shown methods on this page to show you how does it look like on a web page.

On this page, I have added a link to the quiz on the announcement bar, I have added a pop-up on landing on the page and I have embedded the quiz on the page itself.

You won't add a pop-up and embed the quiz on the same page, this is just a demo of the possibilities for you to see.

7) In-depth Analytics:

The tab ‘analytics’ opens up to a report with various options to check how your quiz has been performing from the date of its launch.

This is by far my favorite feature. When you know exactly who is taking and sharing your quiz, it allows you to optimize your content and targeting. Plus, Interact Quiz Builder allows you to see how people are responding to your quizzes, including if and when people are dropping off. 

Let’s say that you have a 10 question quiz, but you see that most people don’t make it past question number 3. This data allows you to go back and tweak some things to make sure they complete the quiz. Without these amazing analytics, you would never know that this is even happening. In-depth analytics allow you to fix what is not working.

Here are the stats that TryInteract keeps track of: 

  • Views - how many people see your quiz 
  • Starts - how many people started your quiz
  • Completions - how many people completed your quiz
  • Leads - how many people opted-in to your email list 
  • Conversion rate - the percentage of people who opt-in as a result of taking your quiz

    All this data helps you in finding where the leak is and then taking action to fix it. This feature is extremely crucial. 


8) Mobile Responsive: 

All quizzes look great on mobile, this is huge!!! People are browsing from their phones most of the time.


9) Tracking Pixel Integration: 

TryInteract allows you to add Facebook and Google Analytics’ tracking pixels. This is an awesome feature because it allows you to not only retarget the people who saw/started your quiz but to create custom audiences for your quizzes.


How Much Does Interact Quiz Builder Cost?

Note: All plans come with a free 7-day trial so that you can try it out, and it won’t cost you a thing. 

Interact Quiz Builder offers three different plans, and you can pay either monthly or annually. 

Lite Plan:

The first plan is called the Lite plan, and that’s $17 per month if you pay annually or $29 per month if you pay monthly. This plan allows you to generate up to 5,000 leads per month, but I should let you know it doesn’t include conversion tracking or analytics reporting. If you don’t need these things or if you’re budget-conscious, this is the plan for you. 

Growth Plan:

The second plan is called the Growth plan, and it’s $53 per month if you pay annually or $89 per month if you pay monthly. It allows you to generate up to 10,000 leads per month and includes the ability to use your own branding, conversion tracking, analytics reporting, and more.

Pro Plan:

The third plan is the Pro plan. This is more for agencies and marketing teams - if you’re a blogger or running a small website, you probably don’t need this much. It’s $209 per month if you pay monthly or $125 per month if you pay annually. 

What’s The Difference?

There’s a major difference you will get in the TryInteract review pricing. The Pro plan is that it allows you to generate an unlimited amount of leads per month. So if you’re at the stage where you’re generating over 10,000 leads per month, you want to get the Pro plan. 



Significant Results Achieved by Using TryInteract Quiz

Leisa Peterson gained 20,000 new leads

Leisa spent about 20-30 hours building an automated, easy-to-use quiz with the help of TryInteract, which she named the Chakra quiz. She integrated the quiz with an ad on Facebook. This received over 320,000 impressions and was completed over 20,000 times. And each of them left them their email addresses once they completed the quiz. According to her estimate, she brings in triple the return on her investment. 

Lindsay Scholz achieved 300% list growth

As a social media strategist, Lindsay had faced the challenge of obtaining email listings. All her efforts seemed useless until she started using TryInteract. The name of her quiz was What’s your ideal brand aesthetic?” As per her, the email listing literally grew overnight, resulting in a 300% growth.

Create your own Quiz Now

Over to You

 So, are you ready to make a quiz of your own? Click here to get started!< /a>

So, What’s The Final Verdict?

In this TryInteract Review, I have found out one thing and that is, this is an amazing platform to get started with quiz building. And so far, it has not disappointed me at all! 

Are you ready to make a quiz of your own? Click here to get started! 

Click here to get started! →

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