How to implement UNSUBSCRIBE from a SEQUENCE and not from the MAIN email list in Kajabi

How to implement UNSUBSCRIBE from a SEQUENCE and not from the MAIN email list in Kajabi

This automation is more advanced, but it is something that everybody who uses email marketing should use.

When we launch to our email list, there is a probability that they are not interested in that thing.


So, we should give them an option to opt-out of that sales sequence but without opting out of your list completely.

To achieve this in Kajabi, we need to set a bunch of automation and it involves a lot of steps, but don't worry, I will lay it down step by step so you can implement it on your own.


SO.. How do you opt-out of a sequence without opting put of your list?

1 ) Create a landing page in Kajabi.

This will have a message - we have noted your preference.

Keep this link handy in a google doc, we will need it.



2) In your promo emails, after the email content, add a few blank lines and add text that reads something like

" If you’re not interested in receiving emails related to publishing your book, just click here."

 The click here link should lead to your OPTOUT PAGE you made in step 1.


3) Now go to Marketing- automation and add new automation.



In the 1st field of the automation, choose when email sequence is clicked.

In the  2nd field, click and choose the relevant email.

In the  3rd field, choose the opt-out link

In the 4th field, choose to unsubscribe from an email sequence.

In the 5th field, choose the promo sequence you want them to unsubscribe from.

The last step - Save the automation.

4) Repeat all the steps in step 3 for all the emails in the automation, so if you have 5 emails in that sequence, you have to do step 3 five times. 




5) If you plan to send some broadcast emails in addition to the promo sequence, please add another automation to all the emails that will say add the tag "opt-out" when the opt-out link is clicked, so you can exclude people from the tag opt-out when you send a promo email using the broadcast feature. 


Please send me an email at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Sneha :)


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