email marketing

How Often Should You Email Your List

Emails can be a delicate balance between staying informative and avoiding overwhelming your subscribers.

Whenever someone asks me, 'How frequently should I email my list?' My answer is usually: 'It depends.'

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula, but here are some tips to help you find the right balance for you and your subscribers:


1. Ask Your Audience

Who knows better how often they want to receive emails than the people getting them, right?

You can directly ask your subscribers about their preferences through surveys or polls. This means creating questionnaires or short surveys that ask them how often they want to get emails from you.

This way, you can tailor your email frequency to what works best for them and keeps them engaged.

Research has shown that 61% of people prefer receiving a promotional email once a month. On the contrary, 15% of people don't mind receiving a promotional email every day.

Who would have thought?


2. Research Your Industry Standard

Different industries have different standards.

For the online course industry, it's common to send emails once a week. This helps keep students updated without sending too many emails. In contrast, news websites send updates every day to keep readers informed about the latest news.

When deciding how often to send emails in your industry, it's important to know what others typically do. This helps you find the right balance for your audience and goals.


3. Test and Refine

Try out different frequencies for sending emails and types of content.

Experiment with sending emails on different days, using various subject lines, and trying different content formats to see what your subscribers like the most.

This helps you refine your approach and create emails that connect better with your audience.


Bonus Tip: Don’t Just Sell

Remember, emails aren’t just about selling products.

Show your subscribers that emails are about building relationships, not just making sales pitches. Keeping your messages conversational helps you connect with your audience in a more meaningful way.


Extra Tip: Start Strong

Regular emails in the early stages help subscribers get to know you.

Start with a warm welcome sequence introducing yourself, your brand's mission, and how you can benefit them. Then, transition to a consistent schedule (weekly or bi-weekly) to stay present in their inbox and build lasting trust.


Finding the right email frequency takes some trial and error.

By asking your audience, researching your industry, and testing different approaches, you can find a balance that keeps your subscribers engaged and satisfied.

Remember, the goal is to build strong relationships, not just to make sales. Be consistent, genuine, and always try to provide value with every email.


Ready to grow your email list with ease?

Check out my Kajabi Opt-In Page Template! It’s designed to help you capture leads and build your audience effectively. This user-friendly template is perfect for online course creators, coaches, and consultants. Check out the template here.



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