How to set up a double opt-in in Kajabi

In this video above I show you how to set up a double opt-in in Kajabi, I will also share two benefits of double opt-in .

First, let's discuss the benefits of having a double opt-in

1) You attract a good quality email list, as a person spends a little extra time to confirm your subscription and that means they are really keen to learn more about you.

2) It helps protect your email list against BOT entries.


A thing to note is double opt-in is not a mandate, and having a double opt-in does not make your opt-in process to be GDPR compliant.


Double opt-in needs to be set up in your email marketing platform.

If you use kajabi for email marketing, then you will do it in kajabi, if you use convert kit you will do it in convert-kit.

Here is where you need to set double opt-in in Kajabi.

Click Marketing - Then Form -

Here Choose the form you want to have a double opt-in in and then

Tick the box

that says send double opt-in email to new contacts like below.


You can repeat the same process across all forms you want to have a double opt in for.




Go to the Template Shop
