digital course academy bonus package

Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy Review

Thinking of joining Amy Porterfield's Digital Course Academy aka DCA?

And have some questions about the same?

You are in the right place!

Enrolment will open soon for Digital Course Academy (DCA) and I have been receiving a lot of DM's from entrepreneurs asking what I think about the program.

I wrote this review so I can help a lot more people because there are only so many DM's I can answer.

So, let’s begin!


Digital Course Academy is a 12-week program that helps online business owners and entrepreneurs turn their knowledge and expertise into a digital course that will generate consistent revenue through live and evergreen webinar launches. 

The program provides a step-by-step strategy for the entire course creation journey — from strategy, to planning, to creation, to launching...with no fluff and no stone left unturned.

In a nutshell, DCA teaches students how to make the ultimate shift from struggling to make money online, feeling stretched too thin, and feeling uncertain of what they should do to create a profitable asset in their business-- a digital course they can launch repeatedly.


Amy Porterfield is an online marketing expert and the host of the top-ranked podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy.

Before building a multi-million dollar digital course business, Amy worked with mega-brands like Harley-Davidson and Peak Performance Coach Tony Robbins, where she oversaw the content team and collaborated on ground-breaking online marketing campaigns.

She has been featured in


Good question!

I am guessing you want to learn from someone who has been on the journey you want to take.

Someone who has gone ahead of you knows what works, what does not, someone who has implemented the strategies they teach and got great results.

Plus someone who is equipped and keenly interested to teach you the same. 

Who better than Amy?

Amy’s own digital courses have generated over $15 million dollars to date. She’s been in the trenches for multiple years, creating and launching over 9 digital courses to date. Many have been home runs (such as the September 2019 launch of DCA that hit $5.68M),

But Amy knows how to teach what works. She’s known for her patient, personable, step-by-step style that assumes nothing, and she delivers the necessities students need to achieve.

She leaves no stone unturned to make sure you have EVERYTHING you need to create and launch a digital course.


✅ Seven core implementation modules - These modules help you with literally EVERYTHING they need to do to turn their expertise into a profitable digital course that their audience truly wants.

✅ 12 Weeks of Live Q&A Sessions with Amy (in a Private Facebook Group),

Amy will be LIVE in the private FB group Mon-Thurs for 12 weeks answering questions and troubleshooting. This is more than she’s ever offered and it’s a big deal ;-)

✅ Ticket to The Entrepreneur Experience: Course Creators Edition,

A 2-day virtual event in December dedicated to supporting digital course creators with the latest strategies, endless inspiration, powerhouse speakers, and access to an ambitious and supportive community of fellow go-getters.

✅ How to Use Facebook Ads to Fill Up Your Webinars,

This bonus will simplify Facebook ads so the student can feel confident experimenting with this powerful platform and following a proven path to ROI. They will learn how to leverage the exact Facebook advertising strategy we’ve used to fill up a webinar room with perfectly targeted audiences. 


✅ A tech library

✅ Q&A vault

Plus a lot of amazing Bonuses that will be disclosed during the launch.

You get all of them if you buy DCA on the cart open day.

There are also four implementation weeks scheduled within the program calendar to help students implement their learnings while they go through the program.

During these 4 weeks, no new content is released, but Amy shows up in the group for Q and A to answer questions you have about the program as you work through it.


How Digital Course Academy differs from Other Courses in the Niche?

👉🏼 Amy has a knack of taking big concepts and breaking them into bite-sized pieces of training, which makes it a course easy to implement.

👉🏼 It is very detail-oriented. This level of detail is not commonly seen in online courses. 

There are a lot of moving pieces to create and selling an online course, and she makes sure she got you covered through it all.

She will hold your hand through the entire process of creating and launching your online course.

A few examples.

You will need to write a sales page to launch your online course, right? -She has got a bonus training by a copywriter that will help you write your sales page.

You will need emails to send to your list before and after the webinar? She has swiped files for them.

You will need to prepare your slide deck for your webinar? She has got a step-by-step training on how to prepare your slide deck.

👉🏼 Includes a Tech library 

For a lot of you, Tech may be something you are not super comfortable with.

Worry not...

You will get in-depth tutorials for everything, 

There are tutorials on 

▶️ Video Editing tutorials using Camtasia and Screenflow

▶️ Using Kajabi 

▶️ Using Convertkit

▶️ Webinar Integrations with Demio

▶️ FB Pixel Tutorials

plus many more...

👉🏼 Excellent Student Support

DCA team is dedicated to supporting the community to ensure that they get to the finish line. They are obsessed with the big and small wins and are dedicated to troubleshooting with their students so that they continue to move forward.

She will be your mentor and guide through the 12-week process. You will have access to a FB group where she goes live 4 days a week, Monday to Thursday, to answer all your questions.

She has a bunch of ambassadors who have taken the course before and will be there to answer questions for you. All bring something unique to the table.

She also has a team to support you with your questions.

So it is not just Amy, but you have ambassadors, her team members, to help you on this journey.

👉🏼 System that works

3,000 students have enrolled to date in the program and used the framework to create their online courses.

My clients have made multiple 5 figure launches using the DCA model to a T.

I have had clients launch courses between 100 to 2000 USD with great success using DCA's framework. 

Who can benefit from Digital Course Academy?

  1. You have an idea for a course (even if it still needs further massaging ) and are eager to jump in and do the work.
  2. You currently are doing one-on-one work (coaching, consulting, service-based business) and no longer want to trade time for dollars.
  3. You already have a digital course, but their results with selling it have been lack-luster and frustrating.
  4. You can take your personal experience of achieving a certain result and teach it to others. 
  5. You got results for your clients and now you want to take the process you have used to get those results and turn that into a course. 
  6. You got results with a system, technique, or tool and now want to teach that system you know so well.
    You may have used the system to get results in either your 9-5 job, business, personal life, or with your clients. 
  7. You want to learn how to launch online courses using webinars. 


Digital Course Academy is right for you if you're committed and willing to take action and invest the time and energy required to create and launch an online course.

Yes, creating an online course takes time and energy – but it is so worth it.

If you are someone who just buys courses and never opens them and hopes, they will reap the benefits by osmosis, that ain't going to happen.

DCA will work for you if you do the work.

Digital Course Academy serves new course creators and more seasoned course creators who are looking to scale their businesses.

One of the most common questions is, Can I join DCA if I have no list or a tiny list, Here is what Amy's team has to say.

"Amy suggests that if you are just starting out with list building, it's helpful to first grow your email list to 250 subscribers before jumping into course creation. That way your list building foundation is set and you can hit the ground running.

A little more detail is that DCA does not dive into the brand new foundations of list building such as which email marketing software to use, how to create a lead magnet, how to build an opt-in, and so forth. This you will learn in List Builders Society.

In Digital Course Academy, Amy will teach you how to boost your email list so that when it comes time to sell your course, you will have grown an audience that is ready to buy.

And once you build your list building foundation, everything else becomes more manageable to grow the business.

As far as course creation is concerned, growing a list (even if it's small, but quality!) will help you promote your course with more success and ease.

If you are just getting started with your list building efforts, or your list size is less than 250 subscribers, we recommend starting with List Builders Society before jumping into DCA. I’d suggest registering for Amy’s (free!) list building masterclass. Click here to register."


There are two payment options for DCA this year.

  • Option 1: Full Pay = $1,997
  • Option 2: 6-Pay = $387/month ($2,322 Total) ( This is a brand new option never offered before



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